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Una biblioteca en constante crecimiento de consejos e información para ayudarle a hacer crecer su negocio.

Consejos gratuitos de ventas, gestión y servicio al cliente

Desarrollado por expertos en negocios de Sandler, con un historial probado por casi medio millón de horas de formación al año con decenas de miles de clientes en todo el mundo.

10 Estrategias Efectivas para Cerrar el Año con Fuerza

Descubra los 10 consejos ciertos y probados extremidades para terminar 2017 firmemente y colocándose para un 2018 rentable y productivo.

Best Practices for Sales Leaders During Times of Economic Uncertainty

Here are 11 essential best practices that will see you and your team through an industry shakeout, a spike in inflation, a recession, a global pandemic, or any other challenge that may show up on your horizon.

5 Takeaways From the Sandler Virtual Summit

The 2022 Virtual Summit featured a host of critical, easy-to-implement takeaways that will help salespeople and sales leaders hit their revenue targets. Discover the best advice for sales professionals to grow your business, grow your people, and grow yourself.

Tradicionalmente, el verano es un momento difícil para los vendedores.

Este año, decida no caer en la depresión del verano con estos 12 consejos para mantenerse motivado, creando sus propias oportunidades y manteniendo el flujo de ingresos durante la desaceleración típica.

Motive a su equipo durante la caída de ventas

Los clientes dudan en comprar y posponen la toma de decisiones durante los meses de verano, lo que lleva a bajas cifras de ventas. Después de escuchar "no" cientos de veces - o nunca escuchar nada en absoluto - los equipos de ventas pierden rápidamente la motivación para seguir vendiendo durante este período.

Starting Buyer-Focused Sales Conversations With Sandler

Learn how to hook the attention of your buyers with what matters most, beginning a sales conversation that leads to more viable opportunities.

8 Fundamentals for Building a Scalable Sales Model

Build a scalable sales model positioned for growth that will allow them to ramp up revenue dramatically, without causing stress.

5 Secrets to Sales Success Using DISC

Learn tips for using the DISC assessment and knowledge of DISC profiles to elevate performance.

10 maneras en las que puede utilizar LinkedIn para prospectar más eficazmente

LinkedIn le permite conectarse con personas de una manera específica para agregar valor a otros, compartir conocimientos y construir su red con prospectos. Los expertos de Sandler Training explican cómo maximizar su prospección de ventas en 20 minutos al día y evitar perder oportunidades para generar nuevas referencias y ventas.

Four Secrets for Customer Success

Sandler's customer success team shares some best practices to ensure that the new account relationship launches with a strong start from day one.

Las Siete Maneras en que su Equipo de Servicio al Cliente puede Aumentar los Ingresos

Su equipo de servicio al cliente ya tiene buenas relaciones con sus clientes. Pero es importante reforzar que hacen las preguntas correctas, no proporcionan demasiada "consultoría gratuita" y finalmente aumentan los ingresos.

Cinco Errores en las Ventas de Tecnología que Podrían Costarle Millones

La mayoría de los vendedores de tecnología se apresuran a la etapa de propuesta sin tener la debida diligencia en el camino para asegurar el éxito. ¿Le falta oportunidades para acortar el ciclo de ventas, aumentar el ratio de cierre y abrir las puertas a los verdaderos decisores?

Ocho Desafíos Únicos en la Venta a Empresas

Ganar negocios en empresas  presenta retos únicos para equipos y organizaciones comerciales en general. En primer lugar, es necesario comprender cómo la venta a las grandes corporaciones difiere del mundo menos complejo de la venta a pequeñas y medianas empresas. Se necesita tiempo, energía, compromiso y dinero, pero la recompensa puede ser enorme.

Embrace Technology Tools For Sales Success

Sales enablement and readiness technologies could be the solution you need to unleash the full potential of your team.

Build a Tangible Success Plan

Once you define your goals, it's time to identify the specific behaviors and schedule that will get you to your goals.

¿POR QUÉ FALLAN LOS VENDEDORES ... y lo que puede hacer al respecto!

Este informe se trata de hacer y superar todos los números y las previsiones de ventas importantes. Es un vistazo revelador a las deficiencias de los sistemas de venta de hoy en día y los esfuerzos de gestión de ventas, preparado por la empresa que literalmente re-escribió el libro sobre la venta. Aprender una nueva forma de venta que pone al vendedor en el control del proceso de venta.

Invest in the development of your people

While training and coaching are a mission-critical part of your role in your employee development success plan and should be considered a given, uncover these additional coaching strategies in your Manager's toolkit.

Seis Maneras de ser un Gestor más Eficaz

Parte de su responsabilidad como director de ventas es ayudar a su equipo comercial a ser vendedores más eficaces. Entonces, ¿qué puede hacer para mejorar su desempeño y ser un mejor administrador, mentor y motivador?

Cuatro Consejos al Contratar a un Director Comercial Triunfador

Un excelente gerente elevará o reemplazará a sus vendedores hasta que el equipo sea excelente, de arriba a abajo. Descubre las cuatro cosas a considerar cuando estás buscando a la persona para dirigir a tu equipo.

Deliver the winning sales presentation

Deliver the winning sales presentation and say goodbye to the traditional approach. Discover three important steps that will create a strong, productive impact with prospects during your presentation.


Entrevistando a Recién Licenciados para un Puesto de Ventas

¿Está buscando contratar a los mejores y más brillantes vendedores recién salidos de la universidad? Aquí hay 7 preguntas críticas que debe hacerse durante el proceso de entrevistas.

Cinco Secretos para tu Crecimiento Personal y Profesional

Hay muchas oportunidades cada día para echar una mano, palabras de aliento, asesoramiento y consejo. Cuando usted contribuye a otros, otros contribuyen a usted. Las cinco estrategias de Sandler no sólo mejorarán su vida, sino también las vidas de aquellos con quienes usted se asocie personal y profesionalmente.

How to uncover emotions so you can close the sale

The key to closing more sales is uncovering pain – that is, uncovering a level of emotional discomfort on the prospect’s part that’s sufficient to inspire action to change what isn’t working. Notice that you’re not creating this discomfort. You’re shining a spotlight on something that already exists.Here are three questioning techniques that will help you uncover the emotional gap between where your prospect is right now ... and where he or she really wants to be. 

Cuatro Maneras para Financieros Mejoraren Resultados

El mundo de los servicios financieros trae consigo desafíos que son diferentes a los que experimentan las personas que venden otros productos y servicios. Superar estos 4 obstáculos para aumentar su clientela de planificación financiera.

Seis Pasos para Mejorar la Ingegración Ventas-Marketing y el Crecimiento Empresarial

Los equipos de colaboración crean experiencias más fluidas para los clientes. Aprenda 6 pasos para integrar sus equipos de marketing y ventas, y mejorar los resultados de la empresa.

Nueve pasos para llevar a cabo reuniones comerciales eficientes y eficaces

Aprenda cómo algunos pequeños ajustes a su planificación de reuniones y tácticas de ejecución pueden aumentar el foco y la productividad.

How to Overcome Prospecting Mistakes and Increase Your Sales Pipeline

The prospecting landscape is littered with pitfalls and traps that claim many sellers. If you’re not careful, you may succumb to them as well. However, Sandler has developed a Success Triangle to help navigate this rocky terrain.


How can you untap your potential?

One of the most gratifying elements of a sales career is grounded in untapped potential. In a world where those with the strongest work ethic thrive, it can be summed up with a simple idiom. Naturally there are exceptions to every rule, but when you effectively structure your foundation with these six formulas, you're building your blueprint for success.


Explore algunos de los programas de mayor rendimiento de hoy para ver si son adecuados para usted.

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4 Best Practices for Salespeople That Turn Emails into Phone Discussions

These days, our first contact with a potential buyer may not be in a face to face setting or on a phone call, but via email. It’s not always obvious what we should do once we receive such an email message; often, the only thing we know about our prospect is the email address!

3 Ways To Ensure Your Sales Cycle Doesn't Sputter During the Last Mile

Only the best sales reps can consistently navigate the "last mile" of the sale. They ensure ahead of time, that the customer has a problem their solution can solve, a budget they are willing to spend, and a decision-making process within which they can succeed. 

Six Signs that Your Learning Culture Needs a Makeover

At its best, a dynamic learning culture can create a more satisfied sales team and more productive office. Providing your team with the tools and skills they need to succeed is the key to empowering and ensuring they can thrive in your organization.

Four Best Practices for Sales Leaders Who Are Pressed for Time

What concerns you the most as a sales leader? If you are like the sales professionals we work with regularly, it would be a lack of time. This is one of the most common daily pain points. Sales leaders tell us they’re concerned about not having enough hours in the day to strategically plan out an approach, train the team on best practices, or debrief on best and worst cases of a sales pitch.

Key Factors That Will Guide You to Success

Most people say that they want to be successful in life. They want to achieve their goals and feel content with their accomplishments. For countless people, however, understanding how to reach this success can sound complicated. There are nine key factors that can guide those interested in making a difference in their professional or personal lives that separate those who succeed from those who do not.

Six Ways to Personalize Your Pitch with Social Selling

Every time you add more people, opportunities, or information to your pipeline from digital sources, you're employing this modern selling strategy. Social media and online marketing have quickly become the gold standard for prospecting. Ninety percent of top performing salespeople utilize social media as part of their approach.


Five Ways to Improve Revenue with Sandler’s Coaching Model

Successful managers do more than "delegate" tasks. They meet revenue goals through planned coaching, mentoring, and motivation. In order to be effective and proficient in coaching, it takes planning, commitment, discipline and patience.

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Coaching Salespeople

Coaching requires a strong commitment by the manager to empower their salespeople to grow. It involves a customized action plan and a continuous-learning environment, propelling salespeople past self-imposed barriers.

Three Biggest Sales Mistakes You Should Never Make

For some salespeople, the initial prospect meeting is vague and doesn’t convey a value to a prospect. This carries through to a presentation and they fail to establish clear connecting links between the elements of their proposed offer and the specific aspects of the prospect’s requirements. The easier you make it for prospects to establish that connection, the more likely you are to make the sale.

Seven Ways for Health Care Reps to Build Credibility

Having a systematized approach to selling is crucial for health care sales representatives, particularly when the medical world is evolving so quickly. The Sandler Selling System methodology creates sustainable success through real-world tactics for prospecting, qualifying, making the deal, closing the sale and generating referrals.

Five Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder in HVAC Sales

You’ll find you’re able to do a lot more business in a lot less time if you “work smarter, not harder” – and if you follow our tips for avoiding these common traps in the HVAC industry.

How Builders and Remodelers can Increase Referrals

Many builders and remodelers don’t have a systematized approach to selling, but having one is crucial. Part of a methodical approach is to make referrals, which cost less to produce than other leads and close at a much higher rate, a key part of your prospecting process.